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In Python, inheritance in classes allows a child class to inherit and extend the attributes and methods of a parent class.


By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Use object-oriented programming to implement computation
  • Inherit a class to create a child class
  • Explain is-a relationship
  • Draw UML diagram for is-a relationship
  • Override operators to extend parent's methods
  • Apply Stack and Queue for some applications
  • Implement Deque data structure as a subclass of Queue

inheritance, child class, parent class, super, override,


One key component of Object-Oriented Programming is Inheritance. Inheritance allows us to implement what is called as Open-Closed principle. The Open-Closed principle says that a class should be open for extension but closed for modification.

This means that a class once it is created should not be modified. However, we may want to be able to extend that class to add new features. For example, in the earlier lesson we have the class RobotTurtle. This class has two methods move() and tell_name(). What if we want to create a game using RobotTurtle and there are various kinds of RobotTurtle with different capabilities. Let's say, one kind of robot turtle can attack while other kind of robot turtle can only collect items. We can name the first one as ArmyTurtle and the latter one as ScavengerTurtle. To make the game interesting, a ScavengerTurtle cannot attack and can only collect(). On the other hand, an ArmyTurtle can only attack() but cannot collect().

How can we design the class to allow these two kinds of robot turtle without modifying the RobotTurtle class. This is where we can use inheritance.

Inheritance allows us to create a child class that inherits attributes and properties from a parent class. For example, we can create a new class called ArmyTurtle that has all the attributes and methods of RobotTurtle. Moreover, the child class can have an additional method of attack(). Similarly, a ScavengerTurtle can inherit from RobotTurtle and has all the attributes and methods of a RobotTurtle. Moreover, a ScavengerTurtle can have an additional method of collect().

The UML diagram is shown below.

In this case, ArmyTurtle and ScavengerTurtle are child classes of RobotTurtle. We also call the child class as sub class and the parent class as *base class.

The syntax in Python for deriving a class from some base class is as follows:

class NameSubClass(NameBaseClass):

The name of the parent class or the base class is specified in the parenthesis after the class name. By specifying this, the child class inherits all the attributes and methods of the parent class. So what do we define in the child class? We can define the following things:

  • attributes and methods that are unique to the child class
  • methods in the parent's class that we want to override

Besides defining attributes and methods that are unique to the child class, we can also re-define the methods of the parent class. This is what is called as overriding. For example, we can choose to modify the way the robot turtles tell_name() by adding its kinds whether they are the army turtle or the scavenger turtle.

Let's discuss a few more examples of inheritance.

Fraction and MixedFraction

Let's say we have a class called Fraction which has two attributes: numerator and denominator. This class also has all the methods to do the operation such as addition and subtraction. With this we can do addition and subtraction of Fraction:

f1 = Fraction(1, 2)
f2 = Fraction(3, 4)
f3 = f1 + f2
f4 = f2 - f1

The first line creates a fraction object 1/21/2 while the second line creates a fraction object 3/43/4. The third line adds these two fractions 1/2+3/4=5/41/2 + 3/4 = 5/4 which is then stored in f3. The last line, on the other hand, subtracts these two fractions, 3/41/2=1/43/4 - 1/2 = 1/4 which is then stored in f4.

What should we do if we want to do operation with a mixed fraction such as the following?

112+2341 \frac{1}{2} + 2\frac{3}{4}

Well, we can always represent these mixed fraction as two ordinary fractions

32+114\frac{3}{2} + \frac{11}{4}

and perform the same fraction operations. However, we do not want to do this manipulation or conversion manually if we can just write a computer code to do so. Therefore, it is worthwhile to create a new class called MixedFraction where we can define a fraction that may contain a whole number and additional numerator and denominator. What is different from the Fraction class is the way we initialize this object. Using the example above, i.e. 112+2341 \frac{1}{2} + 2\frac{3}{4}, we want to be able to write in the following manner:

f1 = MixedFraction(1, 2, 1)
f2 = MixedFraction(3, 4, 2)
f3 = f1 + f2

Note that we purposely put the whole number as the last argument because we want MixedFraction to be able to handle ordinary fraction when the whole number is zero.

f4 = MixedFraction(1, 2) # this is the same as Fraction(1, 2)

The UML class diagram can be seen as shown below.

In the above UML diagram, we choose not to have any additional attributes but only different initialization arguments. This means that we have to initialize the numerator and the denominator from the three arguments used in the initialization `MixedFraction(top, bottom, whole)`, i.e.
numerator=whole×bottom+topnumerator = whole \times bottom + top

Similarly, there are no methods to do addition and subtraction. The object of MixedFraction depends on its parent class' methods to do addition and subtraction. In fact, when Python cannot find the name of a particular method in the child class, it will try to find the same name in the parent class' methods. If no name is matched in the parent class' methods, Python will throw an error saying that such method is not defined.

Moreover, we also choose to implement __str__() method which is called whenever Python tries to convert the object to an str representation. Notice that we choose to override this method in the child class. The reason is that we want Fraction and MixedFraction to be represented differently as a string. For example, 5/25/2 will be represented differently depending whether it is a Fraction object or a MixedFraction object.

5/2   # str representation of Fraction
2 1/2 # str representation of MixedFraction

This is an example of how a parent class' method is overriden in the child class. The name and the argument of the method is the same and yet the behaviour is different in the child class.

Now, let's look at another example

Queue and Deque

Another example we can work on is to extend the class Queue to implement a new data structure called Deque (pronounced as deck). The difference between a Queue and a Deque is that in Queue the item only has one entrance which is from the back of the Queue. The exit of a Queue object is at the front of the Queue. On the other hand, a Deque can be inserted other from the front or from the rear. Its item also can be popped out from either the front or the rear. Below is the UML representation of the class diagram when Queue is implemented using a double Stack.

Notice that in the above UML class diagram, we use / to represent computed property, i.e. /size and /is_empty. Deque does not have any additional attributes or property. The only changes are the methods. We rename and add additional methods for Deque class. In this cass, add_rear(item) of Deque is the same as enqueue(item) of a Queue object. Similarly, remove_front() method of Deque is the same as dequeue() of a Queue object. This is also true for the case of peek_front() and peek(). Thus, we need not re-write half of the methods in Deque class since we can simply call its parent class' methods.